Hey, listen, there’s this thing called Kali 47 seeds, and it’s the bomb, if you’re into that. It’s a hybrid, and it’s really cool. It’s, like, sativa and indica mixed together, but sativa seems to rule more. So if you need something to get your brain going and get you in the mood, this is it. But at the same time, you know, without that wild “overload” when you don’t realize what’s going on at all. Everything is clear, smooth, just like it should be.
It grows quite easily, by the way. Of course, I’m not the most experienced gardener, but even for me everything worked out. They are so, you know, not too capricious, do not require you to babysit them 24/7. The main thing is that the light is normal and do not forget about water. And, uh, to be honest, they have a smell. Mmm, sweet, fruity, kind of citrusy. It’s really good. But be prepared for the neighbors to start asking questions if you’re not well ventilated.
And the funny thing is, they have a pretty decent crop. So you won’t be sitting there thinking, “What did I do all this for?” Dense, resinous cones, you can tell it’s serious stuff. And, by the way, they have an effect not only in your head, but in your body as well. It’s like relaxing, but it doesn’t make you feel like a vegetable. It just makes everything feel lighter, you know?
In short, if you’re looking for something that’s not too difficult to grow, but at the same time really pleases both the process and the result, Kali 47 is just what you need. Well, at least it worked for me. I think you’ll like it too.